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This is the cause of babies wrapped around the umbilical cord

Babies wrapped around the umbilical cord is one condition that often occurs during pregnancy. Perhaps many are wondering what causes the baby to be wrapped around the umbilical cord, and also feel worried that this condition can cause complications. Research shows, generally babies wrapped around the umbilical cord does not always harm, and does not strangle the baby, because a healthy umbilical cord is protected by jelly called Wharton’s jelly. This function is to keep the umbilical cord elastic, even though the baby is actively moving in the womb. Nearly half of the cases of umbilical cord twisting are generally quite loose, so that by moving or displacing the baby's position in the uterus it can be released from the loop before birth. However, what needs to be watched out is if the blood vessels in the umbilical cord are pinched or depressed due to the movement of the baby in the womb. This can inhibit the flow of blood that carries oxygen to the baby. Barriers to blood flow can also occur when the umbilical cord is wrapped too tightly on the baby's neck.

Various Causes of Baby Wrapped around the Umbilical Cord

The umbilical cord is the source of the baby's life which functions in delivering oxygen and nutrients from the mother to the baby in the womb. Umbilical cords are generally 50 cm long and can be wrapped around 360 degrees on the baby's neck or body. The main cause is because the baby is too actively moving in the womb. It's important to know, the baby is wrapped around the umbilical cord not because of what the mother is doing, but because the baby is moving in the womb, and this is normal. Pregnant women may not experience any symptoms, so they cannot know that their baby is wrapped around the umbilical cord. Apart from the active movement of the baby in the womb, there are several possible causes of babies wrapped around the umbilical cord, including containing twins, having excessive amniotic fluid, and the condition of a long umbilical cord. To find out if the baby is umbilical cord wrapped, you should do regular pregnancy checks at the obstetrician. Ultrasound examination (USG) can help detect umbilical cord twists. The doctor will tell if the baby is wrapped around the umbilical cord, so that the pregnant woman can understand the condition of her pregnancy, and can plan the right labor with the doctor.

Handling a Baby Twisted Umbilical Cord

Although babies are entangled in the umbilical cord generally harmless, but the coil can cause problems when the umbilical cord is wrapped around the baby's neck during labor. Doctors need to pay attention to whether the umbilical cord is tight or not, because it is feared that it can block blood flow. If the umbilical cord is not too tightly wrapped around the baby's neck, the doctor can easily remove it by loosening the umbilical cord through the head. However, if the umbilical cord is wrapped around more than 1 time, or if the umbilical cord is wrapped around the baby's neck very tightly, then the umbilical cord may be clamped and cut before the baby's shoulder comes out of the vagina. Actually there are signs that you can feel if your baby's neck is wrapped around the umbilical cord when in the womb, including:
  • Pay attention to the movements of the baby in the womb. Babies who are entangled in the umbilical cord can suddenly move quickly, but afterwards very slowly.
  • Babies move slowly in the last weeks before birth.
However, you do not need to worry too much about your baby's neck wrapped around the umbilical cord, because generally this condition can be treated by a doctor and the baby can still be born through a normal delivery. For this reason, it is highly recommended that pregnant women follow a routine schedule of antenatal care, so that the obstetrician can monitor the baby's development.
